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第82屆中華民國比較病理學會,由分子暨比較病理生物學研究所及中華民國比較病理學會所主辦,於110年12月11日於獸醫三館B1舉行。本次研討會主題為「消化道病理」,邀請兩位演講者進行專題演講,且有5個人醫及獸醫消化道病理案例分享。甫獲得美國病理獸醫師專科執照之陳雅媚博士主講「Oral pathology of dogs and cats」,內容包含國際最新犬貓病理診斷之進展,並分享她在美國求學及受訓之歷程,對獸醫後輩啟發良多。三軍總醫院病理部主任暨國防醫學院病理學科彭奕仁副教授主講「Hepatocellular carcinoma and update on molecular diagnostics」,內容涵蓋國際肝癌診斷之最新資訊。病例討論部分,包含3個人醫案例及2個獸醫案例。成立將近30年的中華民國比較病理學會,透過每年三次的比較病理研討會,讓病理醫師及病理獸醫師能充分交流最新資訊,促進當代醫學及獸醫學發展,並實現「one health, one medicine」之理想。

82th Meeting of Comparative Pathology

The 82th Meeting of Comparative Pathology, hosted by the Chinese Society of Comparative Pathology and Graduate Institute of Molecular and Comparative Pathobiology, was held on December 11, 2021 at School of Veterinary Medicine. The theme of this symposium is "Pathology of Alimentary System". Two speakers were invited to give keynote speeches, and five human and animal case reports were present. Dr. Ya-Mei Chen, who just obtained the Diploma of American College of Veterinary Pathology, gave a lecture on "Oral pathology of dogs and cats". She not only introduced the latest international progress in the oral pathological diagnosis of dogs and cats but also shared her study and training process of veterinary pathology in the United States, which inspired a lot of veterinary juniors. Yi-Jen Peng, Director of the Department of Pathology of the Tri-Service General Hospital and Associate Professor of the Department of Pathology of the National Defense Medical Center, gave a lecture on "Hepatocellular carcinoma and update on molecular diagnostics". The lecture covered the latest information on the diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma in human medicine. As to the case reports sections, three human cases and two animal cases were present. The Chinese Society for Comparative Pathology, which has been established for nearly 30 years, holds comparative pathology seminars three times each year. The meetings enable pathologists and veterinary pathologists to fully exchange the latest information, promote the development of contemporary human and veterinary medicine, and realize the ideal of "one health, one medicine".
