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賀!園藝暨景觀學系張耀乾教授當選 國際園藝學會亞州區常務理事



本院園藝暨景觀學系張耀乾教授於8月13日代表臺灣,至法國昂傑參與國際園藝學會(ISHS)執行委員會(Executive Committee)及理事會(Council Meeting)聯合會議,在33個國家代表出席會議中,以24票的高票數當選亞州區常務理事,共任期4年。









ISHS成立於1959年,在全球有超過140個國家與地區的會員,約為6萬7000人,是全世界最重要的國際學術園藝組織。其致力於推動園藝科學研究與教育,透過各項國際合作與交流計畫,包括舉辦國際園藝大會(International Horticulture Congress)、國際研討會、專題討論會,並出版高水準學術期刊及專業刊物等方式,不僅為全球園藝最新技術與訊息的主要來源,更促進全球園藝科學研究合作及技術移轉。




Congratulations! Prof.Yao-Chien, Chang had been elected as the executive director of the Asian region of ISHS!



Prof. Yao-Chien, Chang from the Department of Horticulture and Landscape Science of our college represented Taiwan to Anger, France to participate in the Executive Committee and Council Meeting of the International Society of Horticulture (ISHS). At the meeting had representatives from 33 countries attended, with a high number of 24 votes, he was elected as the executive director of the Asian region for a total term of 4 years.




By participating in the important decision-making of ISHS in the future, Prof. Chang will represent Taiwan to continually support the expansion of the society and deepen substantive cooperation and exchanges with other countries, so as to increase Taiwan's international visibility.


Taiwan joined the Society in 1990. The Council of Agriculture stated that the Society has only 9 standing directors, including 6 seats in Asia, Africa, Europe, North America, South America and Oceania, which were voted for by representatives of various countries. Being the executive director of the state, Taiwan is able to deeply participate in the decision-making of the society in the next four years. This not only a major breakthrough for the horticultural field in our country, but also represents the high support and affirmation from members of the society for Taiwan.


Founded in 1959, ISHS has more than 67,000 members in more than 140 countries and regions around the world. It is the most important international academic horticultural organization in the world. It is committed to promoting horticultural scientific research and education through various international cooperation and exchange programs, including organizing International Horticulture Congress, international seminars, symposia, and publishing high-level academic journals and professional journals. By those efforts, it is not only the main source of the latest global horticultural technology and information, but also to promote global horticultural scientific research cooperation and technology transfer.



Reprint from: https://news.ltn.com.tw/news/Taipei/breakingnews/4030297
