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今年12月12日甫在杜拜結束的「聯合國氣候變遷大會(COP28)」,由臺灣大學蔡明哲教授獲邀領導的臺灣團隊提出生態危機解決方案的論述,特別是在「台灣生物信用額度(Biocredit Taiwan)」創新機制的應用,獲得大會及與會專業人士的高評價,被推崇為本屆大會舉辦做出了重要貢獻。


 台大實驗林受世界氣候基金會(World Climate Foundation, WCF) 邀請出席,台大生物資源暨農學院實驗林管理處的處長蔡明哲擔任專題講者、台大森林系教授丁宗蘇擔任與談人,共同提出比碳權更高層級的「生物信用 (Biodiversity Credit)」倡議,將深化金融業與各產業生物多樣性議題的合作。






結束演講時,身兼臺大生物資源暨農學副院長的蔡明哲,連續三次吶喊強調「Biocredit Taiwan」的重要性,成功引起了全場專家學者的廣泛關注。隨後團隊的台大森林系環境暨資源學系主任丁宗蘇與臺大生物環境系統工程學系教授潘述元所進行的兩場專題論壇,則深入探討了實施的技術細節,更進一步推動了全球專家學者對於此倡議的理解與支持。


隨著沙烏地阿拉伯獲得2030年世界博覽會的主辦權,綠色轉型的全球性趨勢隨著COP28的閉幕,正式進入新的生態危機階段。「台灣生物信用額度(Biocredit Taiwan)」的認證機制,提出生態危機的解決方案,展現生態保護的視野、決心和能力,在COP28中號召全球合作,貢獻永續發展。



Innovative Application of “Biocredit Taiwan” Proposed by NTU Research Team

Highly praised for Significant Contribution to COP28


At the recent United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28) in Dubai, Professor Tsai Ming-che of National Taiwan University led a Taiwan team that presented an innovative solution to the ecological crisis. The team's focus on the "Biocredit Taiwan" mechanism received high praise, making a significant contribution to the conference.

Invited by the World Climate Foundation (WCF), the Experimental Forest of National Taiwan University participated in the conference. Professor Tsai Ming-Jer, the director of the Experimental Forest at National Taiwan University, served as a keynote speaker, and Professor Ting Tsung-su from the Department of Forestry at National Taiwan University served as a panelist. Together, they proposed an initiative for "Biodiversity Credit," a higher-level concept than carbon credits, aiming to deepen collaboration between the financial industry and various sectors on biodiversity issues.


COP28, the 28th edition of the highest summit where governments worldwide convene through conference agreements to formulate policies to combat global warming, has gained increased importance as the global climate change crisis intensifies. Taiwan's proposal, rooted in over a century of interdisciplinary expertise, showcased an innovative approach to biodiversity credit certification, aligning with market mechanisms and promoting a win-win strategy for ecological conservation and economic development.


In the forum, Tsai Ming-Jer advocated for a new planning model that combines green economy with biodiversity protection, garnering recognition and attention from attendees.  Using the case study of the reforestation project in the Taiwan Experimental Forest, he shared a nature-based solution, showcasing the long-term monitoring results of using carbon-negative technology to enhance biodiversity. This not only contributes to ecosystem restoration but also serves as a crucial foundation for future research exploration.


At the conclusion of the speech, Professor Tsai emphasized the importance of "Biocredit Taiwan" three times, successfully capturing the widespread attention of experts and scholars in the audience. Subsequently, two special forums conducted by the team, led by Ding Tsung-Su, Department chair of the Department of Forestry, and Professor Pan Shu-Yuan from the Department of Bioenvironmental System Engineering at National Taiwan University, delved into the technical details of implementation, further advancing global expert understanding and support for this initiative.


With COP28's closure, the global trend of green transformation enters a new ecological crisis phase. Taiwan's "Biocredit Taiwan" certification proposes solutions, demonstrating the country's vision, determination, and capability in ecological conservation while calling for global cooperation and contributing to sustainable development.


