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深耕雲林產業 協助建立「雲饗豬」品牌

臺灣大學生農學院社會責任(USR)深耕計畫「攜手 雲林-特色農業產區 深耕產業」,由計畫主持人、臺大食品科學研究所所長潘敏雄教授與雲林肉品巿場公司總經理黃加安,於11月4日在台大農經講堂簽署「策略聯盟合作」儀式,未來將由深耕計畫團隊深耕雲林產業,並協助建立「雲饗豬」品牌。
















University Social Responsibility Project

College of Bioresourse and Agriculture, National Taiwan University

Deepening the Counseling for the Yunlin Industry: Assisting in Establishing the 'Yun Xiang Pork' Brand"


The University Social Responsibility (USR) Project of the College of Bio-Resources and Agriculture at National Taiwan University (NTU) has initiated a collaborative effort with the Yunlin Meat Shop Company to develop the "Yun Xiang Pork" brand. This partnership was officially formalized in a strategic alliance ceremony held at the agricultural economics auditorium on November 5th in NTU.

Distinguished Professor Min-Hsiung Pan, the program director and director of NTU's Institute of Food Science and technology, expressed that this project aims to continue deepening two main goals, namely Plant Doctors and Animal Doctors, to implement four local deepening objectives. These objectives are achieved through long-term planning and addressing the frontline issues faced by farmers in Yunlin. The four key initiatives include local learning programs for nurturing new technologies, agricultural management talents, and educators for agriculture. It also includes local service programs for providing round-the-clock plant doctor consultations for pest control and livestock farm management and disease prevention.In addition, there are local practice programs for promoting agricultural circular economies, innovative media platforms, and unique agricultural products. The final component involves local agricultural programs to strengthen the development of high-light agricultural products, processing, market sales connections, and collaborative development between academia and the livestock industry.

Professor Pan explained that the USR team NTU is collaborating with the Yunlin Meat Shop Company to realize a closer partnership between NTU and the local food and agriculture industry. The project will use NTU's existing achievements in animal technology development and food processing to enhance and promote the value of the "Yun Xiang Pork" brand. This will benefit local farmers in Yunlin and boost the region's food and agriculture industry towards sustainable and healthy growth.


Mr. Jia-An Huang, the president of the Yunlin Meat Shop Company, emphasized the importance of food safety in the context of increasing imports of pork, which currently account for 20% of total consumption. Consumers are concerned about food safety in imported pork. Therefore, native pork must provide consumers with peace of mind in terms of food safety.

Mr. Huang noted that there are approximately 5.6 million domestic pigs, and Yunlin County accounts for 600,000 of them, making it a major region for pig farming. By collaborating with NTU USR Program, the "Yun Xiang Pork" brand has been established, emphasizing five key guarantees: "no use of ractopamine, no use of kitchen waste for pig feed, high-quality breeding systems, environmentally-friendly and humane husbandry practices, and strict adherence to safety and regulations." The collaboration between industry and academia aims to accelerate industry upgrading and build consumer confidence in food safety.

The NTU team participating in the signing ceremony included Professor Hong-Hao Chang from the Department of Agricultural Economics, Dean Bi-Ling Su of the School of Veterinary Medicine, Distinguished Professor Fang-Chia Chang, Director Hui-Wen Chang of the NTU Veterunary Hospital, and Mr. Ying-Chi Wu, Chairman of the Yunlin Pig Farming Association, among others.

Photo 1: The NTU USR team and the Yunlin Meat Shop Company signing the "Strategic Alliance Collaboration" ceremony. Left: Mr. Jia-An Huang, presedent of Yunlin Meat Shop Company. Center: Distinguished Professor Min-Hsiung Pan from NTU. Right: Mr. Ying-Chi Wu, Chairman of the Yunlin Pig Farming Association.

Photo 2: The NTU USR Program team posing for a photo with Mr. Jia-An Huang, presednet of the Yunlin Meat Shop Company, and Mr. Ying-Chi Wu, Chairman of the Yunlin Pig Farming Association, after the signing of the "Strategic Alliance Collaboration."

Photo 3: The "Yun Xiang Pork" brand emphasizes five key guarantees: "no use of ractopamine, no use of kitchen waste for pig feed, high-quality breeding systems, environmentally-friendly and humane husbandry practices, and strict adherence to safety and regulations."
