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第83屆美國鄉村社會學會年會(83rd Annual Meeting of the Rural Sociological Society)因受疫情影響採線上視訊會議,研討會主題為「鄉村性與民主危機(Rurality and Crises of Democracy)」,探討空間與社會不平等當中有關鄉村社區的能動性及其角色,以及晚近資本主義危機如何不均等地在城鄉分野之中,扭曲鄉村民眾與鄉村地區面臨的挑戰。研討會將論文發表安排在2021年6月1日至7月28日之間。


生傳系郭蕙如助理教授於2021年7月1日發表的論文主題為「鄉村居民的網路可及性與日常接觸:探索29國的變異(Internet Accessibility and Daily Contacts among Rural Residents: Exploring Contextual Variations in 29 Countries)」,論文的共同作者之一為生傳系謝雨生特聘教授。此研究主要探討網路可及性是否及如何影響各國鄉村居民日常生活中「面對面」與「非面對面」的社會接觸行為,透過多層次模型結合個人層面的人口背景資訊以及國家層次的網路普及化差異,研究結果發現網路工具不但影響個人日常互動的形式與頻率,這兩者的關聯又隨著城鄉的差異顯得更加複雜。換言之,新型態網路工具如何影響人際互動的城鄉差異?而這些線上網絡或實體互動的變異,是否促進或阻礙了各國鄉村居民透過人際接觸所建構的社會資本?本研究試圖透過跨國實證資料提供解答。

Due to the pandemic, the 83rd annual meeting of the Rural Sociological Society converts to a virtual conference with all the paper and panel sessions spreading out between June 1st through July. The theme of this annual meeting is “Rurality and Crises of Democracy”which brings discussion on spatial and social inequalities that encourage rural sociologists to explore such critical questions as rural agency, the roles of rural communities, and how crises of late capitalism distort the challenges rural people and places face.


Assistant Professor Hui-Ju Kuo from the Department of Bio-Industry Communication and Development presented a research “Internet Accessibility and Daily Contacts among Rural Residents: Exploring Contextual Variations in 29 Countries”on July 1st. Distinguished Professor Yeu-Sheng Hsieh from the same Department co-authors this paper. This research examines whether and how internet accessibility leads to face-to-face and non-face-to-fact daily contacts among rural residents across countries. By taking internet accessibility at both individual and country levels into account, results from multilevel analyses show that internet penetration contributes significantly to the number and types of daily contacts. Moreover, the possible link between personal internet use and social contacts becomes complicated by the rural-urban context. In sum, this empirical study aims to provide answers about how internet and new forms of communication may constrain or facilitate social interaction cross-nationally and how such association may contribute to the potential (dis)advantage for rural residents in building individual social capital.
