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森歷奇境 VR 作品成果發表會


教務處數位學習中心將於 9/13 舉辦「森歷奇境 VR 作品成果發表會」,由森林系余家斌老師 109-2「森林遊樂概論」課程的同學們分享他們製作的 VR 作品,歡迎對 VR 創新教學有興趣的師長們蒞臨指導!

•  活動日期:110 年 09 月 13 日 (星期一),13:30 ~ 16:00 (13:15 開放簽到)
•  活動地點:本校校總區綜合教學館四樓
•  報名時間:即日起至 110 年 09 月 10 日中午 12 點止
•  人數上限:配合學校防疫規定,本次活動人數上限為 80 人
•  報名網址: https://reurl.cc/Q98ga0 

聯絡人:楊小姐 (02)3366-3367 #566,ywc121@ntu.edu.tw

※ 防疫注意事項:
1.      請配合測量體溫及酒精清潔手部再入場,並保持社交距離。
2.      進入會場請全程配戴口罩,座位區請採梅花座,會場內禁止飲食。
3.      如有身體不適、發燒 (體溫 37.5 以上)、上呼吸道症狀、旅遊史或居家檢疫中的人員謝絕入場。
4.      若因疫情變化而有調整變動,將另行公告及通知報名者。

Welcome to join the event “Forest Adventure: VR Films Presentation” on September 13


Digital Learning Center cordially invite faculty members to join the event “Forest Adventure: VR Films Presentation” on September 13. Students who took the Introduction to Forest Recreation course taught by professor Chia-Pin Yu in the 109-2 semester will present the VR films they produced in the course. Faculty members who are interested in adoption virtual reality technology in innovative teaching are welcome to join the event!

Event Information:
•  Date: 13:30 ~ 16:00, Monday, September 13, 2021 (13:15 pm Check-In)
•  Venue: 4F, Multi-Purpose Classroom Building, NTU Main Campus
•  Registration: until September 10, 2021 (closed at 12 pm)
•  Number of Participants: in accordance with the school’s pandemic prevention measures, the maximum number of participants is 80.
•  Registration Here: https://reurl.cc/Q98ga0 

Organizer: Division of University Courses, Digital Learning Center, Office of Academic Affairs
Contact Person: Ms. Yang  Tel: (02)3366-3367 #566  Email: ywc121@ntu.edu.tw

※ Pandemic Prevention Measures:
1.      Please cooperate with temperature measurement and use the alcohol spray to sanitize hands before enter the venue. Please keep your social distance.
2.      Please wear a face mask all the time in the venue. Please follow the checkerboard seating arrangement. No food or drinks are allowed.
3.      If you have a fever (body temperature higher than 37.5°C), or have upper airway symptoms, or have travel history to high/medium risk zones 14 days prior to the event, or are in quarantine, you will not be permitted to enter the venue.
4.      If the event is postponed or cancelled due to the pandemic, DLC will make an announcement and inform the participants.
