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農業化學系很榮幸邀請到Jérôme Bove博士和曾馨弘女士於6月15日參與本系舉辦的研討會。Bove博士是法國駐台北辦事處的科學和學術使館專員。換言之,他是推動法國與台灣科學合作的法國政府代表。除了正式職務外,Bove博士還是一位法國西部昂熱大學的教授,負責教授和執行植物生物學研究。曾馨弘女士則負責Campus France Taiwan,該機構是負責宣傳法國作為留學目的地的官方機構(https://www.taiwan.campusfrance.org/)。建議考慮至法國留學的學生聯繫Bove博士、曾女士或團隊信箱(taipei@campusfrance.org)。



在本次研討會上,Bove博士和曾女士介紹了在法國接受高等教育的經濟支持和語言學習的機會,包含短期實習以及長期學習等留學計畫。曾女士特別介紹了Erasmus Mundus 獎學金以及Eiffel卓越獎學金計劃。兩種獎學金都包括每個月的生活費及差旅費津貼。Bove博士介紹了法國的博士課程體系,並說明選拔過程如何進行。入學考試通常在7 月上半月舉行,申請人可在年初即向法國當局尋求建議。他強調,在法國攻讀博士學位的學生,在工作所在的實驗室具有全職員工的合法身份,因此可享有4萬至5.5萬新台幣的工資以及醫療保險。




The Department of Agricultural Chemistry was happy and honored to invite Dr. Jérôme Bove and Ms. 曾馨弘for a seminar on June 15. Dr. Bove is the Scientific and Academic attaché of the French Office in Taipei. In other words, he is the representative of the French government who promotes scientific collaboration between France and Taiwan. Beside his official function, Dr. Bove is a professor at the university of Angers, in western France, where he teaches and carry out research about Plant Biology. Ms. Tseng Hsin-Hong is in charge of Campus France Taiwan, which is the official agency in charge of promoting France as a destination to study (https://www.taiwan.campusfrance.org/). Students considering going to France to study are strongly advised to contact Dr. Bove, Ms. Tseng or their collaborators (taipei@campusfrance.org).



In this seminar, Dr. Bove and Ms. Tseng introduced the opportunities of financial support and language learning to pursue a higher education in France, for either short-term internships or long-term studies. Ms. Tseng presented notably the Erasmus Mundus fellowship, as well as the Eiffel Scholarship program of excellence. Both fellowships consist in a monthly allowance that covers living fees and travel expense. Dr. Bove introduced the system of PhD programs in France, and explained how the selection process works. The entrance exams usually take place in the first half of July, and applicants are encouraged to seek advice from them French Bureau early in the year. He emphasized that students enrolled in PhD programs have the legal status of full-time employees of the laboratories in which they work, and therefore benefit from a salary ranging from 40,000 to 55,000 NTD as well as health insurance.

