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昆蟲系發表重要論文於Journal of Experimental Botany

本系林柏安教授榮獲期刊Journal of Experimental Botany (IF: 6.992) 受邀撰寫回顧性論文(Review article) Title: Water availability and plant–herbivore interactions。水對植物生長至關重要,並可以推動生物演化、與其他生物之間的交互作用。近年來台灣乾旱頻繁發生,環境水分含量的波動會因氣候變遷而加劇。而降雨變化已被證實和植食性昆蟲的族群變動有關聯。因此植物-水-植食性動物的交互作用是基礎生態學和應用生態學中的一個重要問題。本篇統整了近期關於環境水分含量對植物抗食草動物防禦生態學和潛在生理過程的影響。缺水會增強植物對植食性動物的抵抗力,但會對間接防禦和耐受性產生負面影響。本篇文章也提出氣候變遷如何影響降雨量,進而影響植物與昆蟲之間交互作用的見解。本文為農業氣候變遷相關領域近期重要回顧論文,為未來研究重要參考。


Fig.1 Graphical summary of the JXB review.

Fig. 2 Dr. Lin.

 Department of Entomology published an important review article in Journal of Experimental Botany

Professor Po-An Lin of the NTU Entomology Department was invited to write a review article recently published in the Journal of Experimental Botany (IF: 6.992) on how water availability affects plant-herbivore interactions. Water is essential for plant growth and can drive biological evolution and interactions between different species. In recent years, Taiwan has experienced frequent droughts, and the fluctuations in environmental moisture content are expected to be further aggravated by global climate change. Rainfall changes have been shown to be associated with population changes in plant-eating insects. So plant-water-herbivore interaction is an important issue in both basic and applied ecology. Prof. Lin's article consolidates recent studies on the effects of environmental moisture content on herbivore-resistant plants' defense ecology and the underlying physiological processes. The authors found that, with exceptions, lack of water often enhances plants' resistance to herbivores but negatively affects indirect defense and tolerance. The review found a lack of knowledge on how additional abiotic factors affect the interactions between water, plants, and herbivores. This article presents insights into how climate change affects rainfall and, in turn, the interaction between plants and insects that could help us guide pest management and plant watering strategies in a climatically uncertain future.


Fig.1 Graphical summary of the JXB review.

Fig. 2 Dr. Lin.


