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教育部為培養智慧健康與多元農業人才,推動「精準健康產業跨領域人才培育計畫」,於111年10月29日舉辦「多元健康領域創新創業競賽」。由本系景觀暨休憩組陳昕昊、趙旻誼、王睿甫、陳一諾、程怡嘉、賴彥禎五位碩士班同學組成數位自然之競賽團隊參賽,獲得銀獎佳績。此隊伍由陳惠美教授指導,以「虛擬自然療癒世界(Healing Nature VR)」為題,應用虛擬實境(Virtual Reality, VR)設計「多療療APP」之遊戲治療APP。此款產品以住院病人、安養院等高壓力且無法外出休閒之目標客群,發展虛擬觀光、園藝治療、虛擬遊憩與動物輔療等多元輔助治療之VR手機遊戲,讓他們體驗自然並從中獲得紓壓和復健效益;並結合穿戴式裝置測量生理數據,同步收集使用者生理數據,做為健康建議之回饋。


Horticulture Students Win Silver Award in Diversified Health Entrepreneurship Competition

The Ministry of Education launched the "Interdisciplinary Talent Cultivation Program in Precision Health Industry "to cultivate smart health and diversified agricultural talents. The "Multiple Health Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition" was held on October 29, 2011. Five master students from the Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture (NTU) advised by Prof. Chen Hui-Mei won the silver award in this competition. This team designed a game therapy APP named "Healing Nature VR" to help inpatients and nursing home residents to experience nature and gain restoration or rehabilitation. This product applied virtual reality (VR) to various complementary therapy, including virtual tourism, horticultural therapy, recreational therapy, and animal-assisted therapy, and combined with wearable devices to collect the physiological data as feedback for health advisory.

