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持續投身學術界  獸醫系2新進教師研究動物福祉、禽病學  




        畢業之後,鄧紫云前往西班牙馬德里大學「 VISAVET- Health Surveillance Centre」展開第一個博士後研究,在歐盟計畫之下研究西班牙豬隻沙門氏桿菌之流行病學,也包括抗生素抗藥性之流病分析。去年她則開始在台大獸醫系教授周晉澄實驗室的第二個博士後研究,與台灣獸醫領域風險評估的專家合作,執行非洲豬瘟病毒由旅客攜帶非法豬肉產品進入台灣之量化風險評估。








        2013年吳乃慧獲德國政府「Georg-Christoph-Lichtenberg」獎學金,赴漢諾威獸醫大學(University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover)攻讀動物及人畜共通傳染病博士學位,並繼續在該校病毒學研究所及新興傳染病與人畜共通傳染病研究中心擔任獸醫師兼獨立博士後研究員。她的研究利用特殊呼吸道細胞培養系統——精細肺切片(precision cut lung slices)及氣液介面細胞培養(air-liquid interface culture)為平台,研究病毒與病毒、病毒與細菌共同感染時,病原及宿主之間的交互作用。

        吳乃慧指出,有別於傳統的in vitro細胞培養系統,這兩種特殊細胞培養系統可用來模擬活體的環境,除可減少實驗動物的使用,亦適合深入研究病原與宿主在細胞分子生物階層的關係。她表示,很榮幸也很開心能加入獸醫專業學院,未來將參與禽病學及經濟動物診療實習教學,實驗室也將以先前的成果為基礎,開發多種不同動物來源且符合實驗動物3R原則的3D細胞培養模組,來研究病原共同感染時的致病機轉,歡迎有興趣的同學加入實驗室行列。



New faculty Dr. Tzu-yun Teng and Dr. Nai-Huei Wu at Department of Veterinary Medicine


Kendy Tzu-yun Teng is a new project lecturer at the School of Veterinary Medicine, National Taiwan University (NTU), having started in January 2021. After finishing her PhD on the quantification of companion animal welfare using epidemiological methodology at the Sydney School of Veterinary Science, the University of Sydney in 2018, she took up on the postdoctoral research associate position at the VISAVET- Health Surveillance Centre, Complutense University of Madrid, working under a European Project ─ One Health European Joint Programme. Since then, she began to develop her knowledge and skills in farm animal epidemiology and completed her second postdoc on risk assessment of the introduction of African swine fever virus to Taiwan at Prof Chou, Chin-Cheng’ lab at the School of Veterinary Medicine, NTU. 

Kendy teaches animal ethics and parts of the veterinary epidemiology unit this semester and will assist the teaching of veterinary public health in the next semester. Her expertise lies within the fields of veterinary epidemiology, veterinary public health and animal welfare and ethics. Since her veterinary study at the NTU, she has been deeply interested in promoting animal welfare and ethics. Before her PhD, she was sponsored by the Cloud Gate Dance Theatre of Taiwan to make observations on human-animal relationships in India and Nepal and published a book on her observations and reflection on human-animal relationships and animal welfare and ethics. Having been involved in the fields of animal disease and animal welfare with her personal interests in psychology, neuroscience and philosophy, she plans to tackle major animal welfare issues, including animal disease, in Taiwan using multidisciplinary approaches in the future. 

Dr. Tzu-yun Teng


Assistant Professor Nai-Huei Wu, DVM, Ph.D. joined the school of Veterinary Medicine in August 2020. Dr. Wu finished her veterinarian training at National Chung-Hsin University and received her Master of Veterinary Medicine degree at National Taiwan University in 2009. She worked as an official veterinarian in the Bureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine. In 2013, Dr. Wu was awarded the Georg-Christoph-Lichterber Scholarship from the Lower Saxony state government in Germany and was starting her Ph.D. in the program "Animal and Zoonotic Infections" at the University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover (TiHo). She finished her Ph.D. in 2016 and continuously worked as an individual principal investigator in the Institute of Virology, and the Research Center for Emerging Infections and Zoonoses at TiHo. During her Ph.D. and individual scientist working period, she established several specialized airway epithelium culture models, including the precision-cut lung slices and air-liquid interface cultures from different animals. By using these models, she successfully investigated the dynamic host-pathogen interaction after virus-virus and/or virus-bacterial co-infection in the airway tract. 

Dr. Wu will mainly give lectures on "Poultry diseases" in the Veterinary Medicine. The research interest will focus on establishing 3D culture models from different animal species which fulfill the 3R principles. The established models will be further use for disease pathogenesis study, medical treatment, and vaccine development.

Dr. Nai-Huei Wu
